Outdoor Catscape Catio or Cat Path Walkway
Our indoor cats can now safely go outside using the enclosed, fenced overhead cat walkway path to a larger enclosed outside cat play area.

We wanted a way for our indoor cats to enjoy the outdoors while keeping them safe. We constructed this cat play area and walkway out of pressure treated wood and green metal garden fencing. The videos below show how to bend the fence sections  and also show the completed catscape elevated path. Our cats can now go up the mountain behind our house and enjoy the outdoors.
catio 1
catio 2
During construction the white sliding glass door partition was put in.
A pet door was added to the bottom
of the white partition
Finished the enclosure with green fencing on all sides and top
catio 3
catio 3
catio 4
The overhead enclosed cat pathway is raised in the air approximately 7 feet.
This is the first part of the cat walkway as it starts up the mountain behind our house
Each catscape ramp / walkway section is 12"x12"x12"x12" and 10' long. a 1"x 6" deck board is the base.
cat walkway
The cat walkway attaches to the cat climbing area outside the sliding glass doors with the pet door.
cat walkway 1
The cats don't seem to have any trouble passing each other on the outdoor path.
Video of the phase 1 cat walkway starting up our mountain.
Second and final phase of the outdoor cat pathway leading to the enclosed outdoor play area for our indoor cats.
Constructing the garden fence cat tubes, runs, walkways.How to cut, and bend garden fence.
West Virginia Natural Gas
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